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17 Reasons to Get Excited about Facebook's New Dating Feature

Facebook's new dating feature is oh so exciting. Let's know about it in details.

17 Reasons to Get Excited about Facebook's New Dating Feature

Facebook’s new dating feature is here and everyone’s excited to try it out. They can’t wait to see who they match up with as they’re using Facebook to log-into Tinder and other accounts. Since they trust Facebook with their data, they’re able to leverage it better with better recommendations. Facebook knows them so well, and its users trust it to find a great date.

With no pressure on the company to ever turn a profit on the feature, they’re able to experiment a lot more than some of the other ones. This is because they’re trying to innovate and provide something novel and interesting in return.

Here are 17 reasons to get uber-excited about Facebook’s new dating feature –

1. Better Recommendations for Dates

Ever go to a Tinder date only to find out that the guy/girl is a total creep? If that’s been happening a lot, then chances are that you need a better matching algorithm. For many people, especially between the ages of 27-32, they want a stable partner to settle down with. They want to date people with similar interests and not just match with someone who looks good.

2. Better Personalization

Facebook’s recommendations are personalized to you. You decide who you want to talk to, and you decide what level of intimacy you want to share with the first encounter. It really is super simple for the company to get predictions based on similar likes and interests and see your ‘degree of separation’.

3. A Better Dating Experience

Who doesn’t want to date someone you have common interests with? With Mark announcing at F8 that the app is used for dating only, those seeking casual hookups will be eliminated from the process. This makes the dating process that much more appealing for a wider audience that might be intimidated by other apps.

4. Community-Based Dating

Ever been to a bar and realized that everyone’s hooked up with each other using Tinder? If that’s the experience that you’re looking for, then Tinder is right for you. Otherwise, if you’re looking for community recommendations, being set up for similar interests and having close relationships within a community, Facebook is the better option.

5. Gamification Done the Right Way

Unlike Tinder, that gamifies the actual dating experience, Facebook gamifies how people use the app. This makes it less about casual hookups and more about finding meaningful relationships. You can also meet with a lot of individuals with whom you develop a great friendship.

6. Rock-Solid Matches

Facebook has been advertising to you for years now, and they have a lot of information based on what they’ve collected. This means that the kinds of matches that it can select are miles ahead of what any company can collect by a long shot. You don’t have to worry about finding out some major disinterests in the future, as Facebook understands you at a deeper level.

7. Good for Local Businesses

With more people putting themselves out there in the virtual world, there will be bigger rushes at restaurants, cafes, and movie theatres. A rise in dating apps always leads to an increase in activity for local businesses. These could open up new activities, adventures and new experiences for the local economy in general.

8. Exclusive Matchups

Unlike Tinder where everyone swipes in a certain direction for random hookups, you’re going to get exclusive matchups in the dating feature. This means that you’re going to connect with someone who wants a real relationship, making them exclusive to that app for that moment.

9. Degree of Separation

It’s cool to know the degree of separation for you and your date. You can talk about your likes, interests, and passions on the first date itself and it won’t be awkward. It could be a fun game to see how similar you are.

10. Facebook Events

Facebook events will be Airbnb-like, in that they will be for the dating feature and will be providing exclusive events and activities. In other words, you can plan a date and find a date in the same app. Facebook events will make it easier to plan the whole thing out.

11. Same Information Everywhere

You’re not necessarily adding any new information to your profile that you normally wouldn’t. Unlike other apps, you don’t need to worry about data leaks or breaches. Facebook has strengthened its protocol to make sure that it doesn’t happen anytime soon.

12. More Information

Traditional dating apps don’t offer much information beyond the first few images and their bio. With the Facebook dating feature, you can get more information about the person you’re about to select. You can control the information that you share and protect it if needed.

13. Real Profiles, Real People

Facebook’s dating feature is a more human way of dating, making it one of the most interesting apps out there. Facebook’s philosophy is all about having real interactions with real people, and dating happens to be one huge area.

14. Short Quizzes

Wanna know if they’re a dog person or a cat person? The app will show you that.

15. Casual Conversations

You can be genuinely curious about a certain picture or a post that someone shared within the dating feature. It’s all about having casual conversations through the app and there is no pressure for someone to start anything off.

16. Conversation Starters

The app prompts you to start a conversation based on their recent pictures.

17. Great UI

It’s a fun app to use and the design makes you feel good about dating.


Facebook’s dating feature is going to revolutionize the way that we date each other. Without the baggage of being a hookup app, like Tinder, it’s a more personable and friendlier way of meeting someone. Since no one knows you more than Facebook does, it’s able to capitalize on the years of data they’ve archived.

Facebook is able to provide better recommendations, as it’s known for you a decade or more. Facebook can have the best dates lined up, based on interests and analytics rather than blind luck or awkward encounters.