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HuffPost Cancelling Guest Blogging Accounts, Join Scrabbl and Contribute

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HuffPost Cancelling Guest Blogging Accounts, Join Scrabbl and Contribute

Recently Huffington Post has decided to close down all their guest blogging accounts that will sum up around 100,000 contributors. But no worries, here’s a great alternative offer for you, from scrabbl.com.


The HuffPost contributor platform that was launched in year 2005 is finally coming to an end. The HuffPost guest bloggers shared their contents encompassing a range of topics. But reportedly, these contributions shared only 10-15% of the entire site traffic. So, evidently eliminating the contributory platform won’t give HuffPost hiccups.


Many of the guest bloggers were simply shattered when they received this email -


“…we have made the decision to close the contributors platform on our U.S. site. Going forward, when you log in to the portal at contributors.huffingtonpost.com, you’ll see that you are able to access your previous drafts and published posts – and unpublish those posts if you choose to do so – but you won’t be able to post anything new. We won’t be taking down or making any changes to previously published content ourselves.”


Practically speaking, there’s no reason to get shattered or upset.


The future of guest blogging is still very bright and promising. And a wise man once said don’t collect all the eggs in just one basket. And you follow that in your life too. Who really deposits all his earnings and possessions only in one bank account!


Therefore ladies and gentlemen, we give you scrabbl.com.


Scrabbl, a site where its viewers get the glance and taste of kinds of stories, occurrences, news, thriving across the planet, in different parts of the world. From trends to culture, breaking news to motivational tales, sports to gossips, just anything to everything!


Are you a technology freak? Follow all the updates minutely? Then Scrabbl is your place.


Call yourself a movie maniac? Like to write film reviews? Then Scrabbl welcomes you.


To Join Simply Mail Us:  connect@scrabbl.com


Bloggers to vloggers, newsmakers to breakers, get on board and you’ll definitely earn repute, satisfaction and a lot that live upto your expectations.

Resembling the format of a digital magazine, Scrabbl has its viewers in every corner of the world and entertaining people of almost every age. Its viewership is growing day-by-day! Thanks to the guest bloggers of Scrabbl who are a part of this success and are earning acclaims for their works.


Become a part of scrabbl.com! Start Contributing Today!