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Promote a Green Office - Quit Plastics and Save Energy

Saving energy and switching to environment-friendly initiatives are ways to promote a green workplace. Stop using plastics and bring some changes right from today.

Promote a Green Office - Quit Plastics and Save Energy

The plastic is choking the earth and it’s high time you must say a no to plastic. Businesses are taking up green initiatives. As per reports, users and consumers are aware of the situation and are willing to pay higher prices for eco-friendly products. So, going by the profit margins, these green initiatives are not only good for the environment but also better to boost your sales. Experts say, that if you are just focusing on the sales figures with just a gimmick of going green at the advertising level, then the users might repel from your products or services. By saying no to plastic we are saying yes to a safe and green environment. Here are some tips from environmental experts that will help you bring some positive and green changes to your business.

Avoid plastics in packaging

Plastics are greatly used for packing in different sectors. In a restaurant, the takeaway part is the place where the plastics are used. From a straw to plastic cutlery, there is a huge dump of plastic every day in the food sector. Choosing paper bags for food packaging is a good option. Customers can be requested to give up the use of plastic cutlery which can be a great contribution to a greener earth. Use of compostable packaging with bioplastic is a great alternative to ensure a plastic free environment.

Paperless bills

Instead of wasting paper with paper bills, avail paperless billing through email. Even for bank statements go for e-statements which will send the statements to your email address directly.

Use of natural light

In your office, do not restrict the natural light as that way you can save a lot of energy. Environmentalists say saving up is essential and you can do it with optimum use of available resources. During the daytime, the sun is the source of light and power and we can use it to the fullest by saying no to artificial light sources.

Using desk lamps

The office timings are not restricted to the daylight timings and so office premises have a requirement of an artificial source of light. In such a scenario, experts suggest that use of desk lamps rather than having an overhead light.


Technology has developed and wise usage of so can help you in energy efficient usage. The smart technology of automation can be installed with light timers. These kinds of systems can automatically gauge the presence of people in the room and accordingly turn the power sources when no one is in the room.

Change your commute to the office

Efficient commute system has various benefits if you know the energy-saving ways. In a report released by the U.S. Census Bureau, it was found that 75% of people use their personal vehicles to commute to work and 86% of people use some sort of energy consuming vehicle to lead to the office. This situation is contributing a lot to the pollution. Experts suggest by quitting those fuel vehicles you can choose to walk or cycle to the office. This will help the environment as well as your health keeping you fit. You can start this initiative in your office by inspiring employees to opt for these ways.

Reduce the garbage

Dumps of plastic bottles and disposable coffee cups is a common scene in office and environmentalists say that this waste of resources and excess use of plastic can be avoided when a company asks the employees to go for greener options. Rather than using and dumping those plastic water bottles ask the employees to bring their own reusable bottles. Instead of paper cups ask them to use their own cups. As an initiative from the company, gift your employees coffee mugs for office usage.

Choosing the right electronics

The old machines in your office were manufactured in a time when the issue of pollution and the need for energy conservation were not the utmost and not focused as such. These machines use a lot of energy and the reasons behind the excessive billing amount. Expert electricians say, often there is a mismatch with the devices and the electrical lines. Sometimes, there is an update of the system but the electricity lines are old enough and there is a great mismatch and due to that a lot of extra energy is consumed even if the device promises low energy consumption. Changing the light bulbs and using energy efficient models of machines are some of the ways. The employees can be asked to turn on the sleep mode of the device as it will automatically save the power when not in use. In the office, you can install a water filter that will provide fresh and clean water for all employees. This will make the employees avoid the usage of packaged water available in plastic bottles and reduce the plastic dump in your office.

Say yes to work from home

Some offices in the US, are taking this initiative at different levels as an environmental initiative. People working from home, save the resources of the office and there is also no cost involved in the commuting level. There are several co-working spaces online that will help the whole team to stay connected online. Four days a week in the office can be started as an initial step.

Cloud computing

Technology has evolved for good and using it to promote green is considered as the best use by experts. The cloud computing allows unlimited data storage that eliminates paperwork. The need to conserve those papers and keeping a warehouse for document storage is eliminated completely. The accessibility of the document becomes easy for all and there is a better communication. The employees do not need to travel to the office to get a hand over the document. Any required change can be done online saving the corporate resources.

Use of paper bags

If you are into the business of restaurants or FMCG products, then make sure you quit the plastic and go for environment-friendly packaging. Ask consumers to carry a bag or provide biodegradable bags.

Initiate reuse

In the office make sure the biodegradable and plastic wastes are dumped in different dustbins. Promote the recycling of biodegradable products. Experts are asking the business leads to conduct programs to initiate programs to promote usage of reusable products and sharing DIY tips. Use of plastic bottles in DIY crafts will reduce the plastic dump and assure that it is being used for different things. Using plastic bottles as a plant tub is a creative and effective way to use those plastic bottles rather than leaving it for ocean dump.

Here are some ways that can be implemented in the office or any business and assure a safer place for tomorrow. Environmentalists believe that awareness is the key to this issue. The alarming situation of plastic pollution must reach the mass and that’s when people are going to adopt this natural and environment-friendly moves in their daily life. Researches are still going on to assure that people get enough alternative options of plastic. Currently, the price of the environmental alternatives are high, but experts believe when the alternatives will have higher demand in the market these rates are going to cut down as the production will be more as per the demands.