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This Picture Of A Young Girl Gazing At Michelle Obama’s Portrait Has Gone Viral

A couple of weeks back, the official portrait of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama was unveiled at Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC that has captured the heart of a two year old girl named Parker Curry.

This Picture Of A Young Girl Gazing At Michelle Obama’s Portrait Has Gone Viral

A couple of weeks back, the official portrait of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama was unveiled at Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery in Washington, DC. The portraits captured the public’s attention as it was nowhere similar to the regular portraits of Presidents standing near a pile of books or desks. Astoundingly, now the portrait has captured the heart of a two year old girl named Parker Curry. This little girl was completely in awe of Michelle Obama’s portrait when she visited the gallery. The special moment of the little girl glaring at the portrait was captured by a visitor to the museum named-Ben Hines. He was waiting in line behind her.

Ben Hines visited the museum with his wife when he spotted the little girl staring intently at Michelle Obama’s portrait. He didn’t lose the opportunity to capture this special moment. He clicked photographs of the curious art lover and shared it on social media.  Soon the awesome clicks became viral. He posted on twitter “Donna Hines & I made a pilgrimage today and we were delighted to wait in line behind this fellow art lover & hopeful patriot.”



Since the time, the adorable picture of the little girl gaping at the portrait with her mouth open was shared on social media; the image has received several likes on Facebook and several reactions on twitter.  

A couple of weeks back when the official portrait was released, Michelle Obama said "I'm thinking about all the young people, particularly girls and girls of color who in years ahead will come to this place and they will look up and they will see an image of someone who looks like them hanging on the wall of this great American institute." This picture so beautifully resonates with Michelle Obama’s thought.

The Baltimore artist of the portrait- Amy Sherald, was herself astonished when she saw the image of the little girl going viral on social media. She shared another photograph of the young girl gazing at the portrait in her instagram account.

She stated "There was a painting of a black man standing in front of a house. I don't remember a lot about my childhood, but I do have a few emotional memories etched into my mind forever and seeing that painting of a man that looked like he could be my father stopped me dead in my tracks," she continued. "This was my first time seeing real paintings that weren't in a book and also weren't painted in another century. I didn't realize that none of them had me in them until I saw that painting of Bo's. I knew I wanted to be an artist already, but seeing that painting made me realize that I could. What dreams may come?"