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Touching the Untouched

Definitely one of the important things in life if to understand your talents, needs. It may vary in person. But how many of us think about what we wanted to be in future and what we have become now?

Touching the Untouched

From childhood we have been hearing about career and goals to have a fixed regular income. We have been expected to have a good education growth as well as career growth individually to achieve something(depends on one's perspective) in our lives. Definitely one of the important things in life is to understand your talents, needs. It may vary in person. But how many of us think about what we wanted to be in future and what we have become now?

Parents worry about their children, it is a natural feeling as they are the guardians and guide for life struggles but at certain time or age children should be set free to experience and understand life by their own self.

"There is a home, after home it is the whole world"- unknown


Psychological barriers and fears that are set by parents in maximum cases to restrict and secure the life of their kids is reducing the possibilities for them to do more, expect more from oneself.


Few questions should make you feel different if you ask yourself and listen the answers.

  • If you get a chance to change one thing about yourself what it will be?

  • If you get a chance to change your profession, what it will be?

  • What is the one thing which makes you happy?

  • What drives you crazy? why?

  • Have you given yourself a chance to do what you like to do?

  • Are you financially independent totally?

Let’s take an example of few people who struggled very hard to make their identity in this world no matter what barriers come forward, taking the uncertainty into their hands.

"Father wanted the son to have a medical degree but son has opted for Kinematics,Dynamics,Telescopic observational astronomy, Heliocentrism” (Galileo Galilei) - source Wikipedia

Image: BBVA Openmind

"Father was a Swedish inventor and engineer who hoped his son would follow in his footsteps but son’s career choice was literature and poetry . He learned chemical engineering but studied poetry and literature behind closed doors. he continued writing, creating poetry, plays and novels that were never published. And, he ensured the Nobel Peace Prize would honor stand out writers.” (Alfred Nobel) - source Wikipedia


Image: Wikipedia


It is natural to fear uncertainty but not by oppressing what you love to do. At any cost one should be chasing their dreams no matter how hard the struggle is, struggle always shapes your future, makes you stronger. May be that way one can touch uncertainty?


In a way uncertain things gives us the most valuable experience and moments to cherish for throughout our lives. There is no limit in this world, no barrier unless one is putting the same in their mind.