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Hello! We'd like to make sure that your contact submission/feedback is directed to the appropriate team at Scrabbl. Please read through the following carefully before submitting below:

1. We can only address issues related to Scrabbl and SCRABBL.COM. We are not affiliated with the sites we write about.
2. If you would like to submit news, if you'd like to just submit a quick tip (whether anonymous or not), please fill in the form.
3. For more information on advertising, please mention advertisement on the mail subject. 4. If you would like to use the Scrabbl Logo or any content on your site, please contact us via Customer Support so that we may look into your request. Please be as detailed as possible.

Or if you can't see the form above or prefer not to use it, please follow the guidelines below to reach the Scrabbl team:
Please direct mail to the following addresses:

News Submissions (sales@infiflex.com)
- Have a tip, update, or press release? (This is the only Scrabbl address that reaches our editorial team.)

Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities (sales@infiflex.com)
- See here for more information

Customer Support, Feedback, and Suggestions (sales@infiflex.com)
- Do you see something that we can improve? Have you experienced a technical issue that we need to be aware of?

Events and Calendar (sales@infiflex.com)
- Be a part of Scrabbl's events. Just ask - we might be looking for corporate sponsorship opportunities.

Business Inquiries and Partnerships (sales@infiflex.com)
- Scrabbl is always looking for new ideas and partnerships.

Reprints or Permission to use Scrabbl articles (sales@infiflex.com)
-If you would like to reprint a Scrabbl article or use it as promotion on your own site contact us here.

Other Inquiries (sales@infiflex.com)
- If something didn't quite fit into the above, contact us here. Please do not send press releases or news requests to this address (Note: We can only address issues related to SCRABBL.COM. We are not affiliated with the sites we blog about).