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3 Brilliant Leadership Strategies to SKYROCKET Company Growth

Leadership is all about listening and taking action when the timing is right. Some call it goodwill while others call it the benefits of being a leader, but a lot of the times a leader is respected in the community.

3 Brilliant Leadership Strategies to SKYROCKET Company Growth

When you’re a leader, and a good one – you understand that certain things in your career come after a lot of hard work and effort. You get the fruits of your labour sometimes days after you’ve completed your work. You also know the importance of remaining focused on the goal ahead, and not wavering your attention towards things that don’t count.

These are the things that make your business grow and not get stuck in a rut of problems and annoyances. Also, this is a great way to start the discussion around the topic of whether leaders are born different or are made to be this way through their work ethic. They are also some of the best working individuals who can create a lot of headway into a problem through their analytical abilities that outshine others.

These and many more strategies are the perfect way to think about what leaders do that are so different from what everyday people do. They don’t wear capes, but they’re certainly heroes and if you’ve ever had a good experience working with someone – chances are they’re good leaders in their domain. Leadership is all about listening and taking action when the timing is right. Some call it goodwill while others call it the benefits of being a leader, but a lot of the times a leader is respected in the community.

#1 Challenge the status-quo but be respectful

Here’s an interesting tip that a lot of the top CEOs, especially Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, have prescribed to albeit in different ways. Some CEOs make sure that you have a mentality of being change-focused and ask all employees to develop solutions accordingly. Other CEOs go their own way and inspire others through actions and not words. Whatever the case may be, challenging the status-quo is important to making a mark in the industry. At some level, if you challenge existing beliefs, situations, and purposes, you must be doing something good.

The idea of making it happen is key here. It's not enough to challenge the status quo, it's imperative that you do something about it. It's important to be active in the industry that you’re a participant in so that you can drive actionable results as a course of your leadership strategies.

While being challenging can be an asset, being disrespectful is certainly not. You must maintain your composure through hard times, so that you can live to fight another day. Otherwise, word spreads fast and you won’t be able to get anything done after that.

Leadership is all about making sure that you’re doing the right things at the right time, and also saying the right things. You can’t be a blabber mouth, revealing inside information and you can’t be disrespecting your competitors.

#2 Remain curious

A lot of the times, entrepreneurs lose their edge in the industry because they’re tired of listening and being open to their changing surroundings. Maintaining a level of curiosity is important because it’s a gateway into deeper insights that you may have never gotten access to. Curiosity is a strong sign that you’re leadership material, because it showcases a general sense of hard-working and delayed gratification. Being curious about many things makes you have a wide range of insights that you can apply to everyday tasks and projects.

If you have a background in Chemistry, but you’re curious about Technology, then you can have insights into battery-life problems and can run projects that involve those criteria. You’ll have more insights, better vendor-conversations and a more fulfilling job-life balance. Remaining curios is a highly desirable skill to have as it makes you more aware of your surroundings and more open to understand what works and what doesn’t in the marketplace.

Curiosity also adds immense value when you’re listening to a pitch or taking to a customer. Being genuinely open about what their interests are makes you more personable and human to them, so that you can deliver better insights into what they need.

#3 Engaging with employees

One of the most important tasks that a leader needs to indulge in is the idea that employees need mentorship and engagement. You can’t leave them to do their own thing and must create a strong corporate culture of excellence and timeliness. You can’t expect them to be too subservient though, and they should provide unique insights that helps you out as well. It’s going to be a give and take kind of relationship, but a leader is the one who takes the first step.

You need to keep the working environment light, goal-focused and happy. If you find that a certain employee isn’t being heard for a long-time then you need to understand ways to be able to bring them more work and projects. If you have a mindset that focuses on productivity and empowerment, then you need to engage with your employees regularly.

Talking to them about their problems, work-related messes, and issues that may be coming up is a good way to get to know them better. Good leaders share this common thread of being good listeners, and when your employees understand that it’s a good strength, they pay more attention.

Since your employees are interacting with clients on a daily basis, you need to make sure that they’re happy and productive. If a client realizes that your organization doesn’t treat its employees right, they might even try to poach a few of them if they’re high talent. Everyone values a good talent as they get the job done no matter what. And as a leader, you need to make sure that you provide ample opportunities for them to flourish and excel.


When it comes to skyrocketing your business, there are many things that we can learn from great leaders. How to treat employees, how best to listen, and how to create value through thought leadership is important to learn more about. Being curious is another trait that will get your business to the next level.