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Genes Can Help in Detecting Future: What are the Scientists Suggesting

Scientists are able to predict the future of human with advanced studies in genetics.

Genes Can Help in Detecting Future: What are the Scientists Suggesting

This the beginning of some amazing news, that is simply going to leave you awestruck. As per a recent study, scientists will be able to use the genes of humans to depict their future. In 2003, the Human Genome Project revealed that science has made it possible to map all the genes of humans. With these findings, the scientists believed that it was possible to find out the genes that remain the cause of genetically transferred diseases like diabetes. But the possibility did not meet a successful end. The research stated that the risk of diabetes is polygenic.

How will these predictions be helpful?

In Nature Genetics articles, researchers stated their prediction on an average basis. In the study, a large sample was used and after the study, the scientists were able to predict a person’s interest in completing college. Other predictions like the height of the individual can also be predicted after the study.

How are these predictions done?

Researchers perform a calculation by making a tally. This procedure is termed as the polygenic risk score. The scientists are able to count all the spots in the genome that will decide whether a person would be tall and accordingly a score will be assigned for that particular gene. The score is conveyed in the value of the percentile. On the other hand, a prediction can be made about the number of years an individual is likely to continue his/her schooling. This prediction can be made by knowing the number of years the individual’s parents have gone through schooling. Though the experts say that the number is likely to change if there is a change in the environment and schooling methods.

Predictions helping in medical decision

Nature Genetics published a recent study, where it was found that people who have higher scores of polygenic test for the coronary artery disease are three times more likely to have the risk of heart attacks. The medical practitioners and the scientist both believe that it is high time to contemplate the findings and use this prediction for rendering medical care.

Similar polygenic risk tests are going to help the people who are at the risk of having breast cancer. It would also be an awareness for the women who will have higher scores. The frequency of mammograms will be more and the disease would be identified at an early stage. It would be also helpful in the detection of other diseases like inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes.

Some critics are being skeptical about these predictions. As per some experts, these predictions actually work for those people who have extreme scores. Also, the tests undergo several sets of questionnaires through which the family information is received. The accuracy of such information is under questionable terms. Experts feel there is a need for in-depth research on hereditary factors to get the accurate information.

Predictions of mental health

As per Gerome Breen who is a psychiatric geneticist says that in case of mental health, the time taken for determining the actual problem takes longer. The reason behind this is the familiarity of symptoms and it takes time to detect the real problem and accordingly decide upon the type of drug that can be used for the patient. For e.g., schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are close in their symptoms. So, when the prediction is used for understanding of such patients, it would be easier to detect the possibility of the disease and begin the diagnosis soon.

The influence of environment

The scientists are able to determine the genes that are responsible for the diseases. But there is still a gap as the scientists are yet to discover the genetic architecture of conditions. Once that is done, the biology can be traced easily that will help one to decide on the pharmaceutical suggestions.

The connection of genetics with several other factors

The social and economic factor is overruled by genetics in some cases. Some experts say that if the polygenic scores of economic attainment are high in a person, then no matter what the current situation is or the family’s economic structure, the person is bound to get richer in the later stage of life because the gene says so.

Here in the scenario whose scores are not high might get a major pushback that they would never be able to attain richness in life. But here is a small thing that scientists like to mention. They say that it is true that we are not able to change our genetics. But one thing that we can control and develop is how we try to improve the conditions. In case, a person is hereditarily poor, there must be a way in which the situation can be improved. Not at a single go the person can become rich, but the endeavors might improve the current scenario and the next generation that carries the genes will have a better future. Scientists say that knowing the genetics, the idea should be to get cautious of the situation and start working on it from the basic level.

