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How Can You Use User Generated Content to Grow Your Fan Following

User generated content can be a great marketing tool. However, you need to know a few important facts before using this tool for your brand expansion.

How Can You Use User Generated Content to Grow Your Fan Following

User generated content has great potential to attract attention and skyrocket web traffic. However, you need to know how to create such content. You need to know how you can use such content for high engagement.

There is an important reason to use user generated content. With time people have learnt not to trust the paid advertisements. They have learnt to trust the contents that are organic and user generated. This means your potential customers want to hear from your existing customers and from you.

So, what you need to know to create such contents?

First, you need to understand the essentiality of having a strong social media presence.

Second, you need to understand the tactics to use user generated content for promotion.

However, before getting into the discussion of using user generated content for getting high engagement, let’s have a look at the mistakes the business owners make while brand building.

Mistakes in Building Social Presence

There is no doubt that a solid social presence can help you go a long way. Without this presence, you will not be able to use the user generated contents or any other digital marketing tools for your advantage.

This is why, before discussing how to create an effective user generated content strategy, let’s have a close look at the brand building mistakes.

Too Much Posting

We all know that regular posting is important for the purpose of social media profile optimization. However, some marketers end up posting too much. This is similar to spamming. This is the truth of Facebook promotion. However, when you are promoting on other platforms including Instagram or Twitter, you need to be careful about too much posting as well.

Lack of Solid Social Media Commitment

Have you ever wondered why some of the social media plans fail? In fact, most of the social media plans fail. This is because - the social media activities are not planned at the beginning of the stage.

A strategy is important. But, the commitment is more important. You see, when you have decided to use user generated content for your brand expansion, you need to commit to the brand building and you need to commit to a posting schedule.

So, you need to chalk out the followings…

  • Social media goal

  • Target customers

  • Time you are willing to invest on the user generated content strategy

  • Team building

More or less this covers the required aspects to focus on.

Trying to Spread Brand Everywhere

At the time of inception this seems like a great strategy. You splash your brand everywhere on social media. However, if you don’t have a team dedicated to the task of social media promotion, the effort will subside eventually as the other work pressure grows.

This is a damaging act from which your brand might never recover. This is why you must select three core social media profiles.

So, we have covered the most common brand building mistakes. Now, let’s have a look at the user generated content strategy.

Hashtag Contest

Hashtag contests have been proved to be effective in attracting audience attention and boosting engagement. Instagram is the platform for running such a contest.

You need to get started with the contest rules. This contest must for the people who are following you. This way, you can generate more followers. The followers can use unique hashtags to participate in the contest.

To wrap it up with style, you must pick a winner and promote the winner profile. You can offer the winner to share the experience with others. This can be an interesting way of increasing the number of followers through user generated contents.

Ask Question

Asking questions can make people to get involved in conversation. This is why question asking tactic has been used to generate engagement for a long time. You can use Quora for this kind of promotion.

However, here you need to be a little careful. You need to know exactly what kind of questions will be able to get you the required the engagement. You need to know what type of approach will make people come to your website.

Marketers, who have used this strategy, say to ask thought provoking questions. You must ask questions that encourage thinking. If you keep asking about your brand, you might not be able to generate the desired interest. As a result, you will not be able to get the user generated content for the promotional purpose.

Before, you use this tactic, you need to have a strategy to stretch the conversation. If you just ask one question and get satisfied with the first answer, your strategy for engagement will be ruined.

Therefore, plan to reply to the people who have taken time out to answer your questions. This will create a chain of conversations which eventually will be able to promote your brand through the user generated contents.

Quick Tips to Find the Right Questions

Know your customers

Ask positive questions

Frame questions to entice the web visitors

If you follow the above mentioned tips, you will be able to create the required engagement for your brand. You will be able to make people visit your website and learn about your brand. Eventually, such contents will lead to lead generation as well.

Make Human Bonding

This means giving your brand a human persona. Your brand is you. Even if you are trying to promote a product or a service as the business owner you need to have presence as well.

People get connected to the human personas, they don’t get connected to the logos. This is why – you need to put yourself before the people. You need to create videos, write posts, turn to social media to get people talking about your brand.

This approach does not only work in getting user generated content, but this approach can help you deal with negative customer reviews as well.

If you are doubtful about your ability generated leads through getting involved, hire an influencer for the task. This approach has been proved to be successful time and again.