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Can You Work Fewer Hours Than You Sleep? A Look into Efficient Freelancing

Imagine a life where you worked 4-6 hours a day, had a full bank account, and even more of a full life. It sounds like a dream, but can we make it a reality?

Can You Work Fewer Hours Than You Sleep? A Look into Efficient Freelancing

Becoming efficient requires a bit of upfront energy, but it runs itself once you’ve built the systems. In today’s post, I’m going to dive into the 5 secrets most won’t share. You’ll learn how to run an efficient freelancing business and achieve your own ambitions.

When I first started freelance writing 10 years ago, I spent an hour writing a 500-word article for $1. A lot has changed since then, both in the digital world and my career. Those early years required late nights, early mornings, and consistent anxiety.

It wasn’t until I crashed and burnt out that I came to understand these secrets. Now, I’m using them everyday to reach lasting success in my freelancing endeavors.

SECRET #1: Don’t Fall Into the Trap of Multitasking

Focus, focus, focus. It’s all about focus.

We are all guilty of multitasking at work. It feels more efficient. Why do one thing when you could do two at the same time?

Well, experts believe trying to focus on two things at once can lead to a loss in productivity of around 40%.

This is partly down to the time it takes for your brain to refocus on the new task. So you're not actually saving any time at all, you're wasting it.

You're also far more likely to make mistakes if you try to do two things at once. It's the reason we don't talk on the phone while driving. You get distracted and that leads to errors.

To become more efficient, group all your similar tasks into one batch. Write all your blog posts, then answer your emails. Don't write half a blog then do some emails then back to the blog. You're only confusing yourself.

SECRET #2: Become a Scheduling Savant

Distractions are one of our biggest issues at work. Particularly those little time wasters that we all do but shouldn't.

You might check your favorite Reddit sub, you might speed through your Facebook feed.

Whatever it is that distracts you, it's holding you back.

But how do you stop it?

You need to start planning.

At the beginning of your day, figure out exactly what you want to achieve and what you need to prioritize?

Get those things done first.

Get them out the way and don't even think about opening that Instagram app.

If it helps, lock your phone in a drawer or put it in another room. It's not going anywhere and having it out of sight will stop any temptations.

SECRET #3: Prioritize Yourself Above Everything

You might think that working less is detrimental to your job. But that doesn't have to be the case.

Many of us have made the mistake of working into the early hours to impress our boss.

But, in truth, you were probably not working efficiently.

Instead, your eyelids were heavy, you felt stressed and you couldn't focus on the task at hand.

The next day wasn't much better either...

Doing this on a regular basis can only lead to one thing: mistakes.

Instead, you need to prioritize yourself. Above everything.

Make sure to get out of work mode at the weekends. Stop thinking about that big presentation you have next week.

Spend time with loved ones, do your hobby and enjoy life.

You will be happier, which leads to better mental health and increased enjoyment at work.

And, best of all, you will be able to focus better on your job.

SECRET #4: Stay Sane by Setting Boundaries

It can be very easy to get hooked into something at work.

How many times has someone said: "Would you mind just doing this for me, please?".

And we do it.

We want to keep people happy and don't want to seem like the non-teamplayer.

But you need to set yourself some boundaries.

Don't overload yourself with work, you'll only end up stressed.

If you need to leave the office at 6 pm then go at 6 pm.

Don't hang around for 30 minutes to finish up a job that wasn't yours in the first place.

Be firm with yourself. You've got those boundaries in place for a reason.

The key to sticking to your limits is clear communication with your clients and colleagues.

If you've got a singing lesson after work that you want to make, then say so at the start of the day.

If they then ask you to do something five minutes before your lesson, you have every right to decline it.

SECRET #5: Unlock Your Peak Productivity Time

If you want to work fewer hours then you need to increase productivity.

You'll be doing the same amount of work in less time.

And we all work best at different times of the day.

Ernest Hemingway, for example, was an early bird. He would wake up at the crack of dawn and finish before midday.

With the majority of his work done, he could get on with other things he enjoyed.

But many people find themselves ready to work late into the night.

Finding the time that works best for you will boost your productivity tenfold.

There are plenty of online quizzes to tell you when you're at your most productive.

But to truly get a gauge you need to test yourself at all times of the day and see what works best.

Go to work early one week, write down your observations in a notepad.

Then go in late the next.

Then stick to whichever one works best for you.


Success won’t happen overnight, but it would have happened a lot faster if I knew these secrets in the beginning. Hopefully, they help you avoid some of the mistakes I made along the way.

If you know someone who would benefit from what you learned, please share this post.